
Monday, 10 February 2020

Recent News Item

Feb 3, 2020

Main Idea of this text: Measles Outbreak In Fiji.
In 2019 From November To December, there was a Measles outbreak going on in the main city of Fiji, which was Suva. This virus killed over 46 people in Samoa and now it appeared in Fiji. measles first appeared in the United States in 1765, nearly wiped of 6000 people.

On 28th November 2019, I was on vacation in Fiji and after a couple days we heard that measles outbreak reported on local news, I was really scared after hearing it. I was afraid to go out with my friends and family just because of that virus. Later on, in hospital, everyone started to get measles vaccine for free to keep everyone safe from getting it though it's still possible to get that virus even you got vaccinated since its pretty rare.

It's pretty interesting and scary how this virus strike human's and different worlds. The interesting part is that the symptoms of this virus are runny nose, fever, dry cough, and sore throat people do get runny nose or fever but it doesn't really affect them just from those sicknesses it causes a virus. The scary part is these types of virus causes death easily unless or until you get vaccinated.
This makes me think about what would happen if I got that virus, will a survive? will I be able to be healed from the vaccine? but not only this it makes me think about those people who died because of the virus the affected them. Losing there loved ones, friends, family, etc.

The influence on this virus was dangerous to human's and the countries. This virus passes on easily to other poeple. The main impact on us is risks of measles infection, measles includes blindness, dehydration, and brain swelling.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Social Studies - Graphing

1st, Friday, November 2019

In social studies, we have been doing about Maori treaties and how they were trading with European for example trading Europeans gave Musket to Maori and they gave fruits or foods to Europe. That caused a lot of problems for Maori they started to kill each other because of Europe.
Here's a graph shows the Population of Maori and European.

This graph shows the Population of Maori and European, I don't know if you can see the graph properly if you can't my bad. But this is what we did yesterday.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Maori Religion

In social studies, we have been learning about the Treaty Of Waitangi. Learning about Maori religion, stories behind them, etc.

Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories played in society.
- To help us understand their culture and beliefs.
- To spread the story of our ancestors.
- Educate people.

What are the similarities are there between the myths and stories of Maori and first British Missionaries??
- Both had Beliefs
- Art
- Both had Gods.

Why would the difference between Maori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict??
- Morales
- Treated different compared to European
- Ways of worship

This poster is about Tangaroa a Maori God that a lot of Maori people believed in it and I wrote a short story on the poster hope you like it. I'm out of words I don't know what I
m saying anymore...

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Cultural Unit - Home Economics

18, Wednesday, September

 This Term we have been looking at a Cultural Unit in Home Economics and learned about New Zealand foods. So far I have learned about different types of recipes for New Zealand foods, Nz Traditions, Kiwi foods, how they set up their food when they're about to eat it.

I know I have learned this because of the practical work we did together as a group and learning from each other if we make mistakes. In this practical we made Scones, Jam Drops, Pizza, Souvlaki, Vegetarian Sushi, and we made few mistakes and learned from that mistake. Most of the foods we made were from different cultures type. Different cultures from outside settled in New Zealand and shared their food with others. 

Skills I have learned from the practicals are learning how to cook foods that I never made pretty much and knowing some different types of tactics.
Working with other people in my group has been really awesome and wonderful, once I was sick and I wasn't able to help my team out but what they did they made pizza for me which was so nice of them, they put a lot of effort on it I enjoy working with my team or group.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Social Studies - Stone Age Art

29, Thursday, August 2019

In Social Studies we have been doing about Stone Age and today we were told to paint on the walls about Stone Age. Here are some pictures for our classes Stone Age Art...
And Videos

In these photos, you can see that our class are painting and most of them used paintbrush, sticks, and hands you cannot really see but most of them used each stuff to paint.

Explain why and how they made art??
Early they used materials like stone, ivory, and bone. They made paints from natural pigments using iron oxide to create scenes of animals on walls deep in caves.

Where is the Stone Age Artwork found??
It is usually found in Caves a lot.

The art that I was doing was about people hunting for a Deer together.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Home Economics - Making Pizza

In our last lesson in Home Economics, we made Pizza Dough or just Pizza.

Ingredients :

* 1 cup of self-rising flour ( or 1 cup of plain flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder)
* 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt
* 1/2 tsp salt


1. In a bowl combine all ingredients
2. Bring them together to form a ball.
3. Turn out onto a floured board. Knead and roll the dough for 5-8mins
4. Break into even parts for each person in your group.
5. Roll into an oblong or round shape.

To make homemade pizza:

1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
2. Spread tomato onto the pizza base.
3. Add your favorite topping eg. cheese, tomato, Blah blah blah.
4. Bake for 10mins or until cooked.