
Monday, 24 September 2018

Camera Techniques

What is Camera Techniques??
The camera angle marks the specific location at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot. A scene may be shot from several camera angles simultaneously. This will give a different experience and sometimes emotion.

Here are some Pictures of Camera Techniques like...

Close-Up                                                         Medium shot                                                                      
Image result for close-upImage result for medium shot

Medium close-up                                         Midshot
Image result for medium close-up                       Image result for mid shot 

Long(Wide) Shot                                             Extreme Long-Shot
Image result for long shot                   Image result for extreme long shot                                                 

Low Angle Shot                                               High Angle Shot
Related image                                                                            Image result for high angle shot


Eye Level                                                         Pan Shot
Image result for eye level shot                                                                                          Image result for pan shot               

Tilt Shot                                                            Tracking Shot
Image result for tilt shot                                                                             Image result for tracking shot

Overhead    Shot                                      Over the Shoulder Shot
Image result for overhead shot                                                                                                  Image result for over the shoulder shot

Mise En Scene Shot
Image result for mise en scene shot

What am I learning??
I'm learning about camera techniques used in films.

How does this work show my learning??
Well as you can see I have shown that there's are different types of camera techniques and you can see as I put some image of these scenes shots.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Watching the Water Cycle in Action

The Water cycle is a constant cycle of evaporation, condensation and precipitation.Because water cannot escape from our atmosphere, the total volume of water an earth today is the same volume of water on earth when the dinosaurs were alive.

Aim: To observe the basic processes of the water cycle.

Equipment: 200mL beaker, watch glass, ice cubes, Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze mat.  

1. Fill the beaker with approximately 100mL of water and place on a tripod and Bunsen burner.

2. Fill the watch glass with a few pieces of ice and leave it on the bench.

3. Light the Bunsen and heat the water until it just starts to simmer. Do not boil the water.

4. Turn the Bunsen burner off and gently place the watch glass and ice on top of the beaker.

 We did this experiment it was fun and learned a lot of stuffs about it.

What is water cycle??
The water cycle describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation. The cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere is a significant aspect of the weather patterns on Earth.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Langauge Of Film

Mon, Sep 17

In English, we started to learn about film study. So as our teacher had given us some tasks to do before watching the movie, so my first task was to create a Crossword puzzle and publish to blog but this crossword is but the film stuff try to do this crossword puzzle and when your done comment on my blog and give me feedback... 

What am I learning??
I'm learning about Film Study, like how are they made the words they use, definitions about words which I don't know or you know.

How does this show my learning??
Well, this crossword here shows my learning as through film study this was my first task to create a crossword and I have created this long time ago but didn't publish it and now
 I'm publishing it.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning??
Well, I have no idea about this question but I'm wondering if we make a short film and share it to the whole year 9 class.