This Term we have been looking at a Cultural Unit in Home Economics and learned about New Zealand foods. So far I have learned about different types of recipes for New Zealand foods, Nz Traditions, Kiwi foods, how they set up their food when they're about to eat it.
I know I have learned this because of the practical work we did together as a group and learning from each other if we make mistakes. In this practical we made Scones, Jam Drops, Pizza, Souvlaki, Vegetarian Sushi, and we made few mistakes and learned from that mistake. Most of the foods we made were from different cultures type. Different cultures from outside settled in New Zealand and shared their food with others.
Skills I have learned from the practicals are learning how to cook foods that I never made pretty much and knowing some different types of tactics.
Working with other people in my group has been really awesome and wonderful, once I was sick and I wasn't able to help my team out but what they did they made pizza for me which was so nice of them, they put a lot of effort on it I enjoy working with my team or group.